Ready to Start a Business?
Ready to start a business of your own? A significant amount of people believe that they are, yet they have not thought about what is involved in a business start up. These people would like to set their own work hours, free of someone else being in charge and having unlimited income potential. These things are the rose-colored glasses of owning your very own company.
Consider what you require for a business startup
Good Business start up Tips is at times hard to come by. Guiding your business in the appropriate direction is very important for financial success. Who do you consult with regards to your business concepts? Who can you count on? What kind of questions can you ask? What kind of money do you need to make this enterprise take off? How much book keeping will do? Exactly what are the tax costs and filing needs? These are typically just a few of the issues a lot of new business owners ought to have looked into before they started.
When you decide to take that leap and start your own business you want to do as much as you can to make sure that it is not a leap into the unknown.
So much to think about
As well as actually caring out your chosen profession or trade there are many crucial decisions to be made.
- Should I operate as a sole trader, partnership or limited company?
- Which is the most tax efficient for me?
- How do I deal with the tax office?
- What taxes will I have to pay?
- What accounting records do I need to keep?
- What legislation and regulations apply to me and how do I make sure that I comply with them?
We will guide you from the beginning looking at your specific circumstances and advising you on the best way to operate as a business start up.
Our services for a business start up will include any or all of the following:
- Forming a company for you, if this is your best option.
- Advising you on VAT registration and dealing with this on your behalf.
- Designing accounting systems specifically for your business needs.
- Providing the best computing hardware and software for you to work with.
- Acting as your agent with the tax office, dealing with all their forms and correspondence on your behalf.
- Setting up a PAYE scheme, if appropriate, for you and advising you how to deal with it or alternatively dealing with it on your behalf.
- Dealing with all documents and forms required by Companies House.
- Preparing business plans and cash flow forecasts to raise Business finance and to help you to prepare for the future.
- Preparing accounts on a regular basis and explaining everything you need to know.
- Advising you how to increase profitability and cash flow.
- Tax planning specifically for your business from day one to make sure you pay the minimum amount of tax – legally!
- Completion of all your tax returns.
We Provide a FREE initial consultation to answer all your queries.
For more information, call or email us!